How Self-Insured Employers & Benefits Brokers Might Be the Most Fertile Ground for Innovation in Healthcare w/Dave Chase

"The way we purchase healthcare at the core is radically broken and until we change that, the downstream changes won’t make a difference." -Dave Chase 

One of the side effects of a broken healthcare system is that there isn't enough fertile ground for innovation. How can innovators choose the most viable business models and go-to-market strategies? Where can we optimize and accelerate within the system in order to create growth? How can we rise above all the noise in the market?

On this episode, healthcare entrepreneur, influencer, and Health Rosetta co-founder, Dave Chase shares how to solve the key issues that hinder successful commercialization.

3 Things You'll Learn

1. The healthcare system can lead innovations to the zombie graveyard.

The optics of landing a big health system seems like the golden ring, but it too often ends up being a boat anchor for most innovators. Everything that encompasses the essence of a health system is the polar opposite of what it takes to successfully bring an innovation to market. Proof of this is a zombie graveyard littered with promising healthcare innovations that failed to materialize. Why? One reason is that we have to be incredibly smart about picking our customers.

2. Benefits brokers are an overlooked linchpin to solving healthcare.

The relationship between employers and benefits brokers is the tip of the spear when solving problems in healthcare. Benefits brokers are the single most underestimated role in healthcare and the economy. For better or for worse, they make the decisions that most companies defer to and that’s what drives the state of healthcare.

3.Think beyond your own innovation.

Don’t solely focus on promoting your own products. One of the best ways to accelerate the adoption of your innovation and create a highly defensible market position is to create a new product category and establish a leadership position in it. We should seek to be the voice in our sphere of influence for the category. Be a thought leader. By taking this approach, great outcomes will inevitably come your way.

If you want to maximize ROI and avoid market failure when launching and commercializing your healthcare innovation, let’s talk! Click to book your free 30-minute strategy session.


Guest Bio

Dave is an author, advocate, investor, system entrepreneur and one of the most influential people in digital health. Go to for more information.


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